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MacGregor shapes the offshore and marine industries with leading cargo and load handling solutions and services. “We have a wide range of crane products, and in our strive for excellence we seek and develop the most precise, safe, energy saving and cost effective solutions. Digital hydraulic drives have the potential to make a step change for heavy duty crane winches. Through this project we investigate the technology, develop functionality and seek the best routes to commercialisation“.

Diinef is a high-tech company developing and manufacturing valve- and control systems that turn traditional high torque low speed hydraulic motors into high-end digital motors. Development has been ongoing since 2013 and is based on previous ChapDrive technology. The first digital motor was launched in 2017. “This project is an optimal opportunity for Diinef to adapt the digital technology to advanced winch drives and to face the tough requirements of maritime operations.”

Bauer hydraulic motors have been manufactured for more than 60 years. Bauer motors are known in the industry as tough and reliable machinery. “Integration of digital technology into our proven motors opens a number of new markets. Digital motors can be applied where advanced control, regeneration of energy and communication via computer networks are required. The DIGIWIN project will explore the benefits and provide insight into the requirements from winch applications and how to apply this new line of hydraulic motors”.

UiA’s Faculty of Engineering and Science has build a strong research and education focus in Mechatronics. Mechatronics integrates machine design, hydraulics, electronics and cybernetics. UiA has been working with Mechatronics for 20 years and activities within digital hydraulics is of increasing importance.“This project will contribute significantly to our research through working with specific industrial needs in combination with digital pioneer products”.

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